A Soldier, submitting a packet requesting transfer to the Individual Reserve (IRR), or another reserve element, should submit a note. This note should reference the applicable Army regulation that supports the Soldier's justification for requesting transfer.
The following is associate example of a note requesting transfer to the IRR; this request is for hardship reasons. this instance was in haste generated. you wish to get a note that creates a solid case. this can be simply associate example that has an inspiration of the way to craft the IRR transfer request note.
MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, 1-23 Basket Weaving Unit
SUBJECT: Individual prepared Reserve Transfer Request for SSG DRILL N. MORE
PURPOSE: Request Transfer to the Individual prepared Reserve because of Dependency Hardship.
1. Per AR 140-10, Chapter 4, Paragraph 4-9f, Paragraph 4-11b(4), and Paragraph 4-13, voluntary assignment for dependency or hardship; request assignment from the Troop Program Unit (TPU) to the Individual prepared Reserve (IRR). Per Paragraph 4-13b(1)(e), I've completed IET, are awarded associate MOS, and am not at intervals three months of ETS.
2. My specific hardship involves my recently incapacitated son, Trampled S. More. throughout the Christmas season, Trampled S. a lot of saved my mother-in-law's life. each got overran by sled propulsion reindeers. Neither saw or detected these reindeers coming; they solely landed out of nothing. while not my son's heroic efforts, my in-law would have kicked the bucket. sadly, he sustained permanent physical injuries. though he recovered enough to sing concerning the event, his injuries left him physically disabled and unable to measure severally.
3. My wife, Purchasa M. More, is unable to handle his wants, by herself, within the long-standing time. Our nearest relative lives five hundred miles away. The native Human Services Department is unable to search out various living arrangements, assisted living, cluster homes, or sponsored residentials, that would assist damaged S. More's quality of life. Those services currently fall on Purchasa and American state.
4. I've enclosed affidavits from Doctor Justin E. Time, family physician; Doctor Justa O. Quack, specialty doctor; Alwise S. Nosing, social worker; and Excessive Lee Grimacing, physical therapist; to substantiate this dependency hardship IRR transfer request. I've additionally enclosed affidavits from CPT Whip U. Work-Meister, detachment commander and SFC Constantine F. Hammer, detachment NCOIC, World Health Organization grasp my family state of affairs and World Health Organization have followed this hardship's develop
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